The Partnership Convenings and Trainings
Learn more about The Partnership Convenings and the prevention communication and campaign development trainings offered by The Partnership and register for upcoming opportunities.
The Partnership Convenings
The Partnership hosts bi-monthly convenings to gather dedicated professionals and individuals throughout New Hampshire who are interested in learning about issues related to substance misuse and substance use prevention efforts. The Partnership Convenings are opportunities to engage with best practices and discuss upcoming prevention activities and initiatives. We strive to create an equitable space for knowledge sharing between subject matter experts, prevention specialists, and people with lived experience. Collectively, we can help prevent substance use in young people, substance misuse in our communities and support people who are in recovery.
Convenings are held virtually through Zoom. All convenings are recorded and available on our website following each session, along with slides and additional materials. Check out the Events Calendar and register for an upcoming convening.
Past Convenings
2025 Convenings
The Partnership Convening
January 3, 2025
The first convening of the year provides a legislative update here in NH,
along with highlights, new initiatives, and calls to action from partners
working in youth substance use prevention. Slides | Meeting Minutes | Video Recording
- Liz Brochu, CADY
- Kate Merrigan, UP for Learning
- Prevention Partners from across the state sharing initiatives
NH Getting To ‘Y’ Statewide Invitation
NH Student Leadership Summit 2025
Community First Responder Naloxone Training
NH Prevention Conference: Monday May 12, 2025 Save-The-Date
2024 Convenings
The Partnership Convening
November 1, 2024
This convening features a presentation from Martha Bradley, Consultant at JSI, and Jessica Morton, Program Specialist at the NH HHS Division of Public Health Services’ Tobacco Prevention and Cessation Program, on NH Youth Vaping Prevention. Martha and Jessica bring decades of experience in tobacco cessation and prevention work and will that showcase the youth vaping prevention resources available. Slides | Meeting Minutes | Video Recording Passcode: r@N96gZL
- Martha Bradley, JSI
- Jessica Morton, NH Tobacco Prevention and Cessation Program
NH Youth Vaping Prevention Showcase
Youth Vaping Resources for Schools – flyer
The Partnership Convening
September 6, 2024
This convening features a presentation from Laurie Barger Stuter, CEO and founder of Growth Partners on the 2023 Youth Risk Behavior Survey (YRBS) data. Laurie brings over 30 years of experience in public and behavioral health and will provide valuable insights into the YRBS data. Slides | Meeting Minutes | Video Recording
- Laurie Barger Stuter, CEO and founder of Growth Partners
Youth Risk Behavior Survey: Unlimited Stories, Priceless Information Slide Deck
The Partnership Convening
May 3, 2024
This convening provides presentations from Kate Frey – Vice President of Advocacy at New Futures NH, and Kristen Gilliland, Ph.D – Director of Outreach and Advocacy Programs at the Warren Center for Neuroscience Drug Discovery at Vanderbilt University. They discuss updates on the cannabis landscape in New Hampshire (NH) and the impact of cannabis use on the developing brain. Slides | Meeting Minutes | Video Recording
- Kate Frey, Vice President of Advocacy at New Futures NH
- Kristen Gilliland, Ph.D, Director of Outreach and Advocacy Programs at the Warren Center for Neuroscience Drug Discovery at Vanderbilt University
Cannabis Legalization Policy in NH Slide Deck
Impact of Cannabis Use on the Developing Brain Slide Deck
The Partnership Convening
January 5, 2024
This convening continues the conversation from our November meeting with Cindy Pierce and the viewing of “Screenagers Under the Influence” on the implications of social media and internet pornography on healthy relationships and how we can support our young people as they navigate through their relationships and technology. Slides | Meeting Minutes | Video Recording
- Julie Yerkes, Prevention Programs Manager at JSI and The Partnership
- Kristen Barnett, Training and Resources Specialist at the NH Coalition Against Domestic and Sexual Violence
2023 Convenings
Supporting teens to make healthy choices
November 3, 2023
This convening provides a presentation from Cindy Pierce who combines years of research with her storytelling skills to engage audiences with her message supporting teens to make healthy choices and navigate cultural pressures, both online and off. Slides | Meeting Minutes
- Cindy Pierce, author, educational speaker, sexuality educator, comic storyteller, innkeeper, and mom of three young adults.
LGTBQI+ Allyship 101 – Cultural Proficiency
May 5, 2023
This convening provides training on LGBTQ+ Allyship 101 with Seacoast Outright. Slides | Meeting Minutes
- Heather Mackinnon (she/her), Seacoast Outright
- Ian Meier (he/him/his), Seacoast Outright
Seacoast Outright Allyship 101 Presentation
Fentanyl Prevention Campaigns
March 3, 2023
This convening provided an update on a local fentanyl prevention campaign, a local youth empowerment campaign, and statewide prevention programs from UNH Cooperative Extension. Slides | Meeting Minutes
- Eliza Zarka – Addiction & Behavioral Health Coordinator at the NH Office of Governor
- Jen Graham – Marketing Account Manager at Cookson Communications
- Melissa Lee – Health & Wellbeing Field Specialist at UNH Cooperative Extension
NH Opioid Prevention Project Presentation
The State of Prevention
January 6, 2023
This convening provides an update on the State of Prevention NH and includes presentations on The Doorway NH and YRBS data. Slides | Meeting Minutes | Video Recording
- Jennifer Sabin, New Hampshire State Opioid Response Director at NH DHHS
- Chiahui Chawla, Chief of Bureau of Public Health Statistics and Informatics
2022 Convenings
State of the State
September 9, 2022
This convening provides updates from representatives involved with state-wide prevention initiatives. Slides | Meeting Minutes | Video Recording
- Jenny O’Higgins, NH DHHS
- Regina Flynn, NH DHHS Bureau of Drug and Alcohol Services
- Jess Morton, NH DHHS Tobacco Prevention and Cessation Program
- Marissa Carlson, NH Prevention Certification Board
- Janet Hunt, New Futures
Resources and Trainings to Prevent, Reduce, and Treat Tobacco Use in NH
Words Matter – Reducing Stigma
July 8, 2022
Words Matter in reducing stigma. This convening explored where we see stigma in our work, what resources are available to help reduce stigma, and what is still needed in New Hampshire. It also explored what person centered language is and how it helps reduce stigma. Slides | Meeting Minutes | Video Recording
Presenter(s): Kristie Curtis, Recovery Friendly WorkPlace
Healthy Outcomes from Positive Experiences
March 4, 2022
This convening provides a training that explores HOPE (Healthy Outcomes from Positive Experiences) and how the framework can address Adverse Childhood Experiences (ACES). This workshop teaches participants about positive childhood experiences, the science of HOPE, the evidence-informed Building Blocks of HOPE, how to translate HOPE into practice, and more. Slides | Meeting Minutes | Video Recording *
*Password required to view the recording: drugfreenh2022
Presenter(s): Amanda Winn, MSW, Center for Community-Engaged Medicine, Tufts Medical Center
Prevention Messaging and Materials: Looking Back and Moving Forward
January 7, 2022
This convening provides a review of The Partnership’s prevention messaging over the past year and how it can be implemented to support partner prevention strategies. Slides | Meeting Minutes | Video Recording
Presenter(s): Julie Yerkes, MEd, CPS
2021 Convenings
Telling A New Prevention Story – Communicating About Adolescence, Development, and Opportunity
November 5, 2021
This convening offers a guided tour of research on how to tell a new story about prevention – one which changes the focus from avoiding negative outcomes to supporting healthy adolescent development. Slides | Video Recording
Presenter(s): Clara Gibbons, Senior Strategist, The FrameWorks Institute
Suicide Prevention Strategies in New Hampshire
September 10, 2021
Leaders in state-wide suicide prevention efforts provide updates on efforts and strategies in New Hampshire. Slides | Meeting Minutes | Video Recording
- Jennifer Sabin, MSW, Suicide Prevention Coordinator at NH DHHS
- Elaine deMello, LICSW, Director of Suicide Prevention Services at NAMI NH
- Candice Porter, MSW, Executive Director at Connor’s Climb
- Shamera Simpson, Area Director at American Foundation for Suicide Prevention
Overview of New Hampshire MTSS-B
July 9, 2021
This convening provides an overview of MTSS-B. MTSS-B is the result of partnership between the New Hampshire Department of Health and Human Services (NH DHHS) and the New Hampshire Department of Education (NH DOE) to develop a delivery system of behavioral health services across the lifespan of children, youth, and adults with behavioral health needs. Slides | Meeting Minutes | Video Recording
- Lisa Hayward, New Hampshire Office of Social and Emotional Wellness
- Katherine Leswing, New Hampshire Office of Social and Emotional Wellness
A Vision for New Hampshire’s Systems of Care
May 7, 2021
This convening provides an overview of the current vision for New Hampshire’s systems of care. The Partnership team connected this with the impact that The Partnership’s state-wide messaging and calendar system can have on effectively communicating this vision. Slides
Presenter(s): Traci Fowler, New Hampshire Charitable Foundation
Introduction to the Partnership
February 19, 2021
This convening provides an introduction for The Partnership @drugfreeNH. Slides
- Jessica Holli, JSI
- Karyn Madore, JSI
- Julie Yerkes, JSI
Raymond Coalition for Youth – Marijuana Prevention Campaign
The Partnership Trainings
The Partnership hosts topic-specific trainings, by request, on communication and campaign development for health professionals interested in building capacity in prevention communication. The Partnership’s trainings are opportunities to discuss and learn about emerging best practices and trends in prevention, with a focus on communication-specific content.
Trainings are held virtually through Zoom. Select Partnership trainings are recorded and available on our website following each session, along with slides and additional materials.
Interested in requesting a training? Contact The Partnership.
Past Trainings
2024 Trainings
Overdose Prevention Training: “Recognizing and Responding to an Opioid-Involved Breathing Emergency”
Sepetmber 28, 2024
This 30-minute training discussed how to recognize and respond to an opioid overdose, how to use naloxone, and know how to talk to others about the opioid crisis. Slides
- Brad Thibodeaux, CPhT, University of Rhode Island College of Pharmacy
Overdose Prevention Training from The Partnership @ Drug-Free NH on Vimeo.
2023 Trainings
Video Screening & Discussion for Better Now: Life Without Substance Use
May 12, 2023
Many people are looking for ways to shrink the thumbprint that substances like tobacco, alcohol, and cannabis have on their lives and well-being. The Partnership @drugfreeNH dove into the stories of five New Hampshire residents in long-term recovery from substance misuse in our recent video “Better Now: Life Without Substance Use“. This panel discussion explored how the video participants knew it was time for a change and what life looks like on the other side of their substance use disorder. We also encourage you to download our video discussion guide to help implement the key points discussed in this video in their communities. Slides
- Julie Yerkes, Prevention Programs Manager, JSI
- Justin, Video Participant in “Better Now: Life Without Substance Use“
- Tonya, Video Participant in “Better Now: Life Without Substance Use“
Video Screening & Discussion for Better Now: Life Without Substance Use from The Partnership @ Drug-Free NH on Vimeo.
Supporting Students with Student Assistance Program Webinar
May 9, 2023
Student Assistance Programs (SAP) bring students, families, educators, and community resources together to address obstacles to student success. SAPs provide information, support, and resources that will help young people make healthier decisions, learn critical coping skills, and form and strengthen relationships that enable them to learn and flourish. This webinar recording explains the New Hampshire Student Assistance Network, including available resources to support your SAP or start an SAP at your school.
- Julie Yerkes, Prevention Programs Manager, JSI
Supporting Students with Student Assistance Program Webinar from The Partnership @ Drug-Free NH on Vimeo.
NH Prevention Program Showcase Virtual Workshop
May 8, 2023
The Partnership @drugfreeNH, the NH Student Assistance Network, and Service to Science showcased New Hampshire-grown prevention programs that prevention partners throughout the state can implement in their communities. Slides
Watch this recording to learn about prevention programs that:
- Address emotional regulation (anger management),
- Address adolescent substance in a group setting and seek to increase youth motivation to decrease their use,
- Support youth impacted by substance use disorder in their home with social media, critical thinking, and prosocial life skills, and
- Build youth leadership through substance use prevention messaging, adventure, and prevention skills training.
- Julie Yerkes, Prevention Programs Manager, JSI
- Monica Gallant, Director of Prevention Services for Community Action for Safe Teens (CAST) of the Boys & Girls Club of Souhegan Valley
- Heather Inyart, Executive Director at Media Power Youth
- Jennie Roy, Community Engagement Coordinator at Media Power Youth
- Rachel Loseby, B.A., Student Assistance Program Counselor at Second Growth
- Michelle Brauch, B.A., HiSET Program Coordinator and Adolescent Wellness Coordinator at The Upper Room
- Jessica Pennel, MPH, Special Project Manager at NH Teen Institute
- Sean O’Brien, Chief Executive Officer at ADAPT NH
- Emily, Wilderness Youth Leadership Facilitator at ADAPT NH
- Dana Mitchell, Coordinator of Dover Youth 2 Youth
- Vicki Harris, Coalition Coordinator of Dover Youth 2 Youth
NH Prevention Program Showcase Virtual Workshop from The Partnership @ Drug-Free NH on Vimeo.
What Does NOT Work in Prevention
February 16, 2023
Many trainings and resources focus on what research has shown to be effective at preventing substance misuse. However, we also know through research what is NOT effective in preventing substance misuse and in some cases is harmful. The focus of this webinar is on identifying these ineffective approaches and discussing strategies prevention professionals can use to address the resistance often expressed by individuals and organizations reluctant to change long-standing, well-liked prevention practices. Slides
- Scott M. Gagnon, MPP, PS-C, Director, New England PTTC
PTTC Webinar: What Does NOT Work in Prevention from The Partnership @ Drug-Free NH on Vimeo.
2022 Trainings
Substance Use Disorder in Older Adults: An Overlooked, but Important Population
December 16, 2023
Substance use is often overlooked and undertreated in older adults. Healthcare providers, families, and the public often believe that SUD doesn’t affect older adults. As a consequence, older adults are less frequently screened for substance use disorders or referred for treatment. Yet, older people are subject to SUD and are highly susceptible to the negative effects of substance use. Watch this training to unmask the reality of substance use disorders in older adults, review the health and social circumstances that facilitate SUD development as people age, and explain why the use of alcohol and other drugs is particularly dangerous in this population. The session also discusses approaches to care, treatment options, and adaptations that benefit older adults.
- Margaret Franckhauser, MS, MPH, RN, Director of Aging Services, CHI/JSI
- Anne Marie Olsen-Hayward, LCSW, Director of REAP, Seacoast Mental Health Center
Substance Use Disorder in Older Adults: An Overlooked, but Important Population from The Partnership @ Drug-Free NH on Vimeo.
Additional Educational Resources
Factsheets and Materials – A collection of resources from The Partnership @drugfreeNH that describe in detail different aspects of substance misuse and prevention in a brief digestible format.
New Hampshire Department of Health and Human Services – Alcohol, Tobacco & Other Substance Misuse – A starting point for a variety of resources for treatment and prevention of substance misuse in New Hampshire.