Prevention Campaigns & Toolkits

Health communication and social marketing are evidence-based methods to influence positive behavior change.

The Partnership has complied and developed resources to help New Hampshire’s prevention community easily incorporate substance use prevention messages into their work. To easily share important messages in your community, check out the following evidence-based campaigns and download, co-brand, and share our toolkits and materials.


What are health communication campaigns?

Health communication campaigns are an evidence-based method for increasing knowledge and awareness and altering beliefs, perceptions, and attitudes of the targeted audiences. They aim to engage and empower individuals and communities to choose healthy behaviors, and make changes that reduce the risk of developing chronic diseases and other morbidities.

What is social marketing?

Social marketing, sometimes known as “marketing for good,” is a strategy that promotes positive societal transformation by focusing on influencing individuals’ actions or ways of life rather than just selling an item or service. In fact, Healthy People 2030 has an objective to increase the number of state health departments that use social marketing in health promotion programs.

Why are health communication/social marketing campaigns so effective?

Almost everyone who has access to a smartphone and the internet uses social media nowadays. Health communication and social marketing campaigns allow for widespread reach, at a relatively low cost. These campaigns allow for hyper-targeted messaging that is palatable and easy to understand, increasing impact and ultimately behavior.

What is a toolkit and why should you use one?

A toolkit is a collection of authoritative and adaptable resources designed for partners. Toolkits are meant to offer practical advice and guidance regarding an issue of concern or importance, and help translate theory into practice.

Toolkits are an efficient way to share evidence-based, factual information with your audience. Using materials and information that are pre-vetted and up-to-date saves you time and energy!

Most importantly, we want to hear from you! Please contact us if you wish to be part of message development.

video icon

Just looking for videos?

Visit The Partnership @drugfreeNH YouTube channel – don’t forget to subscribe, like, and share!


Important Note: The Partnership uses the term cannabis to refer to the plant and all types of derived products such as—vape cartridges, edibles, smokable “weed” or “pot”, oils and tinctures. We are not using the term marijuana on most of our resources because this term has a complicated past that was slanderous towards certain people. It is, however, important that the language we use in some instances is accessible to the audience that we are trying to reach and we understand that marijuana is a commonly utilized term for products that contain the form of THC (Delta 9) that provides a euphoric affect or intoxication.


Social Media Toolkit to Support Partner Communication about Cannabis

This social media toolkit includes sample messages and images that can support your digital communication and dissemination of the various Spotlight Factsheets to support our prevention community in cannabis education and discussion. Messages can be modified to suit your needs. (Right-click+Save As on each individual image to download.)

Science-based cannabis facts; not bias or hype. Even despite the many legalization debates in NH, most aren't aware of the effects of cannabis has on our health. Download our cannabis factsheet today.
Have the talk. Download our factsheet today. (curly haired smiling woman sitting in armchair and taking notes on a clipboard)
Have the talk. How to talk to your child about cannabis, and ways you can help them avoid problematic use. (african american father talking to his young teen son)
Make the right decision for you. To learn about cannabis and your pregnancy, download our factsheet today.
Get the facts. General facts about cannabis addiction, treatment, and recovery. Factsheeets and resources to support your prevention work.
Learn how to help parents, youth, and your community understand the risks associated with using cannabis. (multiracial members of a discussion group in conversation)
Have the talk. Parents, caregivers, and guardians have more influence than they realize when it comes to their children and cannabis. (caucasian mother hugging her daughter)
Decide what's right for you. Whether therapeutic or recreational, cannabis has implications for your pregnancy and for breastfeeding.
Is there such a thing as a harmless high? Not for a developing brain.
Get the facts. Learn how to help parents, youth, and your community understand the risks associated with using cannabis. (african american woman instructing a group of multiracial students in a classroom setting)
Have the talk. Parents, caregivers, and guardians have more influence than they realize when it comes to their children and cannabis.
Science-based cannabis facts; not bias or hype. Download our factsheet today. (pregnant person cradling belly)
Science-based cannabis facts; not bias or hype. Even despite the many legalization debates in NH, most aren't aware of the effects of cannabis has on our health.
Have the talk. How to talk to your child about cannabis, and ways you can help them avoid problematic use. (african american mother talking to her young teen daughter)
Science-based cannabis facts; not bias or hype. How to talk to your child about cannabis, and ways you can help them avoid problematic use.
Get the facts. After tobacco and alcohol, cannabis is the most commonly used addictive drug, and one of the most misunderstood.
Have the talk. Parents, caregivers, and guardians have more influence than they realize when it comes to their children and cannabis. (caucasian father speaking to teen son)
Is there such a thing as a harmless high? Not for a developing brain. After tobacco and alcohol, cannabis is the most commonly used addictive drug, and one of the most misunderstood.
Opioids and Fentanyl

Social Media Toolkit to Support Partner Communication on Strategies to Avoid Opioid Misuse and Strategies to Prevent an Accidental Overdose

This social media toolkit on Strategies to Avoid Opioid Misuse and to Prevent an Accidental Overdose includes sample messages and images that can support your digital communication and dissemination to our prevention community in New Hampshire. Messages can be modified to suit your needs. (Right-click+Save As on each individual image to download.)

It doesn't have to be fatal. Opioids or pain medications have many benefits, but htey also have the potential of misuse and overdose.
It can happen to anyone. Download our factsheet.
It doesn't have to be fatal. Fantanyl-laced opioids or pain medications are on the rise, but prevention is possible.
Help your child understand the risks.
Help your child understand the risks.
You can help prevent a fentanyl overdose.
Accidental overdose can happen to anyone. It doesn't have to be fatal.
Talk with your children early and often.
Accidental overdose can happen to anyone.. Find life-saving resources like fentanyl test strips and naloxone/Narcan near you.
Safe use. Safe storage. Safe disposal.
They're getting them a lot closer to home than you may think. Download our factsheet today.
It can happen to anyone. Download our factsheet.
They're getting drugs a lot closer to home than you may think. Download our factsheet today.

Video: Living Well with Chronic Pain

Watch this video to learn how the Living Well with Chronic Pain Program is helping people across New Hampshire deal with their pain. Share this video in a social media post on one of your channels, or share directly from The Partnership’s YouTube or Vimeo channels.


no safe experience nh logo

No Safe Experience

This New Hampshire-based, statewide campaign focuses on awareness by educating youth, young adults, and families of the dangers and prevalence of fentanyl in fake pills and illicit drugs. Prevention partners can use this toolkit to share the facts on social media to help spread the word about illicit fentanyl and how there is no safe experience without a prescription. Schools can also access materials to help better educate youth.


cdc up and away campaign logo

Up and Away Campaign: Put Your Medicines Up and Away and Out of Sight

Any medicine or vitamin can be dangerous if taken in the wrong way or by the wrong person, even medicine you buy without a prescription (over-the-counter medicines). Up and Away and Out of Sight is an educational program to remind families about the importance of safe medicine storage. It is an initiative of PROTECT, in partnership with the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC), the Consumer Healthcare Products Association Educational Foundation, and the below organizations.


Stimulants and Methamphetamine

Social Media Toolkit to Support Partner Communication about Stimulants and Methamphetamine

The social media toolkit includes sample messages and images that will support digital communication and dissemination of the Spotlight Factsheets to support our prevention community’s response to the rise in methamphetamine use across the state of New Hampshire. Messages can be modified to suit your needs. (Right-click+Save As on each individual image to download.)

Get the facts. General facts on methamphetamine. Factsheets and resources to support your prevention work.
Have the talk. How to talk to your children about mehtamphetamine and stimulant use. Download our factsheet today.
Reducing the harm with methamphetamine use. How to support individuals who misuse methamphetamine and other stimulants. Factsheets and resources to support your prevention work.
Staying safe. Strategies to reduce your risk when using methamphetamine or other stimulants. Download our factsheet today.
Tobacco and Vaping
Save Your Breath

Save Your Breath is a social marketing campaign to raise awareness about the harms of vaping among youth aged 13-18 living in New Hampshire (NH). When it comes to nicotine use, NH youth are using electronic nicotine delivery systems (ENDS), also known as vapes, at increasingly high rates. The campaign encourages youth to stand up to Big Tobacco and ENDS manufacturers in order to take back control of their physical and mental health, money, and time. Download the Save Your Breath Partner Toolkit to guide communications about vaping and tobacco prevention across the state of New Hampshire.


SAMHSA Substance abuse and mental health services administration

Reducing Vaping Among Youth and Young Adults

This guide supports health care providers, systems, and communities seeking to prevent vaping. It describes relevant research findings, examines emerging and best practices, identifies knowledge gaps and implementation challenges, and offers useful resources.

SAMHSA Substance abuse and mental health services administration

My Life, My Quit

Free and confidential, My Life, My Quit shares the truth about nicotine, vaping and other tobacco products. If you decide you want to quit, we’re here to help you do it successfully. Text “Start My Quit” to 36072 to talk with a coach who is ready to listen and cheer you on. It’s YOUR LIFE and we’re here to help you live it YOUR WAY.

Don’t Let Vaping Take Your Last Breath Video (My Life, My Quit – New Hampshire)

The State of New Hampshire supports the collective action to help youth quit vaping. JSI supported these efforts and created a campaign to align with National Jewish Health’s vape cessation services and eventually the My Life, My Quit campaign.

QNNH You Can Quit Tobacco

QuitNow-NH (1-800-QUIT-NOW)

The gateway to no-cost, quitting services offered to New Hampshire residents. Anyone can get telephone-based counseling, some medications, free print materials, and referrals to local tobacco treatment programs. The QuitNow-NH website provides information about local tobacco treatment resources, factsheets, and a self-referral portal for those who want a call-back from one of our counselors.


Social Media Toolkit to Support Communication about Preventing Underage Drinking
Understanding the facts is critical when talking with minors about the risks and harms associated with alcohol use and binge drinking. The following social media toolkit includes messages and images that support digital communication and dissemination of information the on risks related to drinking and the ways in which these risks can be addressed. Messages can be modified to suit your organization’s needs. (Right-click+Save As on each individual image to download.)

Get the facts. Alcohol is one of the most commonly misused substances in the U.S. among youth and adults. Access our resources today.
Communicate expectations. Most young people report that they don’t drink or use other drugs because they don’t want to disappoint their parents. Access our resources today.
Clear boundaries result in healthy behavior. Access our resources today.
Get the facts. Youth who use alcohol before age 15 are six times more likely to become alcohol dependent than adults who begin drinking at age 21. Access our resources today.
Alcohol and the adolescent brain don't mix. Access our resources today.
Supporting SBIRT in your local schools makes a difference. Download our infographic today.
Get the facts. Alcohol use during adolescence can interfere with normal brain development and increase the risk of developing an alcohol use disorder later in life. Access our resources today.
Be informed and involved in your teen's life. Access our resources today.
Alcohol and pregnancy don't mix. Access our resources today.
Get the facts. Young people consume more than 90% of their alcohol by binge drinking. Access our resources today.
You make a difference. You are prevention. Access our resources today.
SBIRT is an evidence-based approach to reinforce healthy behaviors among youth. Download our infographic today.
Have the talk. Talk to the young people in your life about the serious physical and emotional harms of alcohol use. Access our resources today.
Teach the youth in your life how to say "no". Access our resources today.

Dry January 2025 Social Media Toolkit

Dry January is a movement spanning NH, the United States, and beyond, designed to inspire individuals to take a break from alcohol consumption. The campaign, created in 2013 by, encourages participants to abstain from drinking for the entire month as an opportunity to take a break, reflect on your drinking habits, and discover benefits like mental clarity and physical well-being.


Sober October 2024 Social Media Toolkit
Sober October emphasizes the importance of checking in with yourself about your relationship with substances. Similar to Dry January, this month encourages individuals to take a closer look at the impact of alcohol (as well as other substances) on their life. This social media toolkit includes sample messages and images to support digital communication and dissemination of the benefits of taking a break.

Sober Curious New Hampshire
Sober Curious New Hampshire

Curious about sobriety or taking breaks from alcohol? Learn why individuals across New Hampshire are choosing to be mindful about their drinking


Take A Break NH

Take A Break NH

Breaking up is hard to do…but sometimes it’s the right option. Taking a short break from drinking regularly and frequently, can help anyone feel better. This behavior change campaign offers skills and resources to young adults while re-norming the risk behavior of excessive alcohol use.


Rethinking Drinking: Alcohol and your healh

NIH Rethinking Drinking

For anyone who drinks, this site offers valuable, research-based information. What do you think about taking a look at your drinking habits and how they may affect your health? Rethinking Drinking can help you learn more.


Alcohol Resource Center

Alcohol Resource Center​ (by The Partnership to End Addiction)

This comprehensive resource center offers articles and videos to help families and professionals seeking information and guidance on alcohol use. Explore these valuable resources to help guide your decisions and protect the health and well-being of those you care about. 


Mental Health

Mental health is an important part of overall health for children and adolescents. Many adults with mental disorders had symptoms that were not recognized or addressed in childhood or adolescence.

mental health awareness month logo icon

Mental Health Awareness Month Toolkit

Mental Health Awareness Month was established to increase awareness of the importance of mental health and wellness, to celebrate recovery from mental illness, and provide resources and information to support individuals and communities who may need mental health support. Use SAMHSA’s materials to help educate and raise awareness in your community.

nh suicide prevention council logo

New Hampshire Suicide Prevention Council

The NH Suicide Prevention Council promotes awareness that suicide is a preventable public health problem. Their mission is to reduce the incidence of suicide in NH by accomplishing the goals of the State Suicide Prevention Plan. Use their materials to help educate and raise awareness in your community.

strong as granite nh logo

Strong As Granite

Strong As Granite is a platform that’s raising awareness of the mental health and substance use support and resources available throughout New Hampshire. It’s part of a coordinated effort to bring help, hope, and healing to all Granite Staters.

nami logo

National Alliance on Mental Illness (NAMI)

NAMI is the nation’s largest grassroots mental health organization dedicated to building better lives for the millions of Americans affected by mental illness. Download logos, graphics, social media images, and more to help raise awareness around mental health events throughout the year.

national institute of mental health square logo

Child and Adolescent Mental Health Digital Shareables

Use this toolkit created by the National Institute of Mental Health (NIMH) to help raise awareness about the importance of children’s mental health and early diagnosis and treatment by sharing information and materials based on the latest research.

Youth and Young Adults

Stronger Than You Think nampaign graphic that says "you are the number one influence on whether the youth in your life choose to use substances" with a man and teen talking

Stronger Than You Think

This campaign supports open conversations between parents, caregivers, or adults who have strong relationships with young people about expectations around substance use and age-appropriate boundaries, planning safe activities and accountability, and educating about the risks and consequences of using any substance. The campaign encourages talking to youth about the risks associated with substance use, and the difference between adult use and youth use. Your opinion and involvement makes a difference, it’s stronger than you think.

Talk. They hear you.

“Talk. They Hear You.”

The Partnership supports the Substance Abuse and Mental Health Services Administration’s campaign, and their goal of helping parents and caregivers create an open dialogue with their children about the dangers of alcohol and other drugs. The “Talk. They Hear You.” campaign aims to reduce underage drinking and substance use among youths under the age of 21 by providing parents and caregivers with information and resources they need to address alcohol and other drug use with their children early.

988 Suicide & Crisis Lifeline

988 Suicide & Crisis Lifeline Partner Toolkit

The 988 Suicide & Crisis Lifeline offers 24/7 call, text, and chat access to trained crisis counselors who can help people experiencing suicidal, substance use, and/or mental health crisis, or any other kind of emotional distress. This toolkit provides resources for partners to use and share information about the 988 Lifeline, developed by SAMHSA.


Prevention Communication

National Bullying Prevention Month 2024 Social Media Toolkit

This social media toolkit includes sample messages and images to support digital communication and dissemination about National Bullying Prevention Month. The Partnership encourages partners throughout New Hampshire to share these campaign materials to help educate and support our community response to bullying and our efforts to prevent it in the future. You can adapt the messages to suit your organization’s needs.


National Prevention Week (NPW) 2024 Social Media Toolkit

This social media toolkit includes sample messages and images to support digital communication in response to youth substance use across NH. The Partnership encourages substance use prevention partners throughout NH to share these campaign materials, contributing to our community’s efforts to educate and support youth substance misuse prevention and positive mental health. Messages can be modified to suit your organization’s needs.


Social Media Toolkit to Support Partner Communication during National Drug and Alcohol Facts Week® (NDAFW)

This social media toolkit includes sample messages and images to aid in digital communication of substance use facts (alcohol, prescriptions, vaping, and cannabis). Also included are three prompts using #MyWhyNDAFW, a hashtag encouraging youth to share their reasons for not using drugs or alcohol. The Partnership encourages substance use prevention partners throughout New Hampshire to share these campaign materials, contributing to our community’s efforts to educate and support a response to youth substance use. Messages can be modified to suit your organization’s needs. Find activities and help planning your event(s) at the National Institute on Drug Abuse’s website. (Right-click+Save As on each individual image to download.)

Keep prescriptions locked up and out of reach of children and others. Always let your health care provider know about any concerns or side effects you have.
For the developing brain, vaping can: Impact long-term health, increasing risk of cancer and lung damage. Impact someone's ability to play sports, instruments, sing, or enjoy time with friends. Increase stress, anxiety, and depression.
Talk with youth about the relationship between teen alcohol use and depression, poor school performance, fighting, stealing, and unintended sex.
Discard all unused or expired medications at a drug take-back program or a local participating pharmacy.
Understand how and why young people are introduced to nicotine, and talk with them about the negative health effects.
STIMULANT FACTS | There are both legal and illegal forms of stimulants. These include coffee, prescription medications, and illegal substances such as cocaine and methamphetamine.
#MYWHYNDAFW | Why is preventing substance misuse important for your community?
OPIOID FACTS | Prescription painkillers, heroin, and fentanyl are all forms of opioids. Sometimes opioids can be disguised as other drugs.
CANNABIS FACTS | Cannabis use affects the parts of the brain responsible for memory, learning, attention, and decision making.
Some people are prescribed stimulants to treat attention deficit hyperactivity disorder (ADHD). Misuse of prescription medication can be dangerous and addictive.
#MYWHYNDAFW | Why do you choose to live drug and alcohol free?
Both prescription and non-prescription opioids have the potential for overdose. Overdose happens when too much of a substance overwhelms the brain. This can be dangerous, even fatal.
In New Hampshire, 17.8% of high school students report currently using cannabis. Help young people strengthen healthy coping skills by talking with them about the negative effects of cannabis use on the developing brain.
Talk with the youth you care for about only taking medication prescribed to them and not sharing medication with others.
#MYWHYNDAFW | Why is your mental health important to you?
Naloxone or Narcan can help stop an overdose. Find out where you can obtain naloxone and learn how to use it.
ALCOHOL FACTS | Binge drinking is described as consuming 4 or more drinks in about two hours or on the same occasion.
MENTAL HEALTH & SUBSTANCE USE | Using drugs and alcohol ultimately causes the brain to lose more of its ability to deal with hard or stressful feelings.
PRESCRIPTION SAFETY | Only take medication prescribed to you by your health care provider. Never share or sell your medication.
VAPING FACTS | 99% of e-cigarettes (or vapes) contain nicotine, which is addictive. Vapes can contain dangerous heavy metals.
Binge drinking can impair decision-making, cause memory loss (blacking out), disrupt healthy sleep, and more.
Talk with youth about the impacts of substance use on their brain, and encourage them to protect their body and mind by living substance free!


Today is for me.

Today is For Me.

Whether you’re just living healthy, planning to become pregnant, pregnant, or breastfeeding, we have research-based resources on alcohol, marijuana, and tobacco use during pregnancy to support you.


Additional Resources

The Partnership @drugfreeNH Partner Toolkit

The Partnership @drugfreeNH Partner Toolkit

Streamline your communication to key audiences throughout the state with coordinated prevention messaging. This toolkit can be used as a jumping-off point in messaging to highlight your involvement in The Partnership @drugfreeNH and the prevention community at large. We hope that you find it useful in planning and managing your social media and outreach efforts.

How To Co-Brand with The Partnership @drugfreeNH

The Partnership @drugfreeNH offers a variety of toolkits to streamline prevention messaging throughout the state. Organizations have the ability to add their logos before sharing within their communities. Follow along with our explainer video on how to co-brand with The Partnership to learn how you can co-brand our toolkit content using the free, online platform Canva!

How To Post The Partnership Partner Toolkit Content on Social Media

The Partnership @drugfreeNH encourages our community to share our prevention messaging with their audiences. One way to do that is through social media. Follow along with our explainer video on how to post The Partnership’s partner toolkit content on social media.

Partnership Brand Guidelines

Brand Style Guide for The Partnership @drugfreeNH

These Brand Guidelines are intended to help your decision making in using and applying the Partnership’s brand to ultimately strengthen our collective identity. This reference document was produced to provide consistent answers to some of the more detailed questions that we run into in our daily work. It communicates the ways in which all of us can brand our organization and our daily work and communications. Should you have any questions about these guidelines or suggestions on how to strengthen them, please contact us. We truly look forward to your input.

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