Young Adults – Thriving
Resources to make healthy connections to people and places
Resources to develop your health and wellness
Resources to political and civic advocacy opportunities
It makes sense that relationships and connections are what excite young people in New Hampshire. That balance of being connected to one’s family and having independence and autonomy is really important to young adults. So is connection to community and stable, supportive adults outside of one’s family. When that is happening – it is exciting. Hopeful. Fulfilling. But when it is not happening…it is hard. Isolating. Frustrating. And can lead to anxiety, depression, and other less productive ways of coping. We know a lot of the young adults in New Hampshire feel this way.
You are not alone in feeling alone. What NH young adults told us in the NH survey echoes findings from other surveys. According to a health study conducted by Cigna Health, more and more people over the age of 18 years report feeling lonely and socially isolated. There are things you can do like schedule regular time with family and friends, get sleep and physical activity, and strike a balance working the right amount. If these feelings last longer than a couple of weeks, talk with your doctor about your options.
A great place to find things to do and people to meet is your local paper for community activities. Find something you’re interested in. Grab a friend or a family member and go! Other options are:
Stay, Work, Play NH
They highlight lots of great ideas on ways to play and connect in NH.
UNH Cooperative Extension
Staff and volunteers develop and deliver practical, trusted education and services to meet New Hampshire’s needs to make life better in NH. They work on important issues like protecting our natural resources, supporting youth and families, teaching about nutrition and healthy living – to helping downtowns become more vibrant.
NH Magazine
Appalachian Mountain Club
Trips and groups specifically for you! Getting outside, moving your body, and meeting new people all help improve our mental health.
Sign up to meet people, make friends and find interesting activities in NH.
YMCAs throughout the state offer positive, healthy activities for people of all ages to stay active, keep moving and stay connected. They also have volunteer opportunities to help a child, mentor a teen or help a family.
We all want to find a place and community that appreciates and affirms our innate value and identity. The following resources offer support, education and advocacy for LGBTQ+ people, families and allies.
Talk Saves Lives – Suicide prevention training with special modules that focus on particular at-risk groups such as seniors and LGBTQ.
Human Rights Campaign Scorecard for NH – A scorecard of NH elected officials’ records on issues impacting the LGBTQ community.
It Gets Better – uplifting and inspiring stories of hope, resilience, and determination, as told by members of the LGBTQ+ community and their allies.
NAMI – General information and resources to support the emotional well-being of LGBTQ+ people and their loved ones.
Bay Windows – New England’s largest publication for lesbian, gay, bisexual and transgender readers. Bay Windows shares with its readers award-winning articles and editorials on everything from the AIDS crisis to Vermont civil unions and Massachusetts marriage battles.
Capital Gay Men – A social group and safe space for gay men.
Chiltern – New England’s largest New England’s largest LGBT outing & recreation club.
Dover Rainbow Outreach Advocates & Resources (ROAR) – An up-to-date list of LGBTQI New England resources for all community members and allies of all ages.
Equality Health Center, formerly Concord Feminist Health Center – A healthcare facility with a highly qualified, dedicated staff of medical and support professionals.
Gay and Lesbian Advocates and Defenders (GLAD) of New England – GLBTQ Legal Advocates & Defenders (GLAD) works in New England and nationally to create a just society free of discrimination based on gender identity and expression, HIV status, and sexual orientation.
GLSEN New Hampshire – GLSEN New Hampshire is a grassroots initiative, working locally in our community to ensure safe schools for all students, regardless of sexual orientation and gender identity.
Granite State Gay Men – Granite State Gay Men is NH’s premiere member driven gay social group.
LGBTQ NH on Facebook or Website – Pride Pops Up is an effort by J.M. Hirsch and Nick King to foster a vibrant community for LGBTQ+ and their allies in NH.
New Hampshire Civil Liberties Union (NHCLU) – NH Civil Liberties Union was established to fight for freedoms that any human being, group or institution has been guaranteed by the Constitution.
New Hampshire LGBTQIA Guys – This is a friendly group where gay men living in or near NH (18 and older) can meet other gay men.
NH Gay Guys – A group for discussion, chat, postings of gay events, meet ups, and to help meet other gay males thru out NH or surrounding areas.
NH Gay Men’s Chorus – NH Gay Men’s Chorus provides quality entertainment and an opportunity for wholesome social interaction.
NH Pediatric Improvements Partnership – Brochure of Youth and Family LGBTQ+ resources.
PFLAG New Hampshire – PFLAG-NH provides support to parents, children, and friends who are coming to terms with their gay, lesbian, bisexual, transgender, intersex, and questioning loved ones. Online monthly support meetings are offered and open to all.
List of PFLAG Chapters in NH – List of PFLAG support groups in New Hampshire.
Seacoast Gay Men – A non-denominational social group of gay men that meets every Monday night in Kittery, ME. Unless otherwise noted, meetings are held from 7–9pm at the Second Christian Congregational Church, 33 Government Street, Kittery, Maine.
Seacoast Outright – Seacoast Outright supports lesbian, gay, bisexual, transgender, queer, and questioning youth and their allies in the Seacoast area and beyond. LGBTQ+ youth group meetings provide a safe place to explore issues related to sexual orientation and gender identity.
The Joan G Lovering Health Center, formerly the Feminist Health Center – The Joan G Lovering Health Center in Greenland, NH provides people of all genders, ages, and sexual orientations, the freedom to make decisions regarding their own sexual and reproductive health.
Life’s challenges can feel overwhelming but they are also opportunities for growth. At every stage in life you experience stress, anxiety, loneliness, and hopelessness from time to time. Sometimes, it’s tempting to engage in strategies that will give quick relief but might create bigger problems for you down the road. When stress continues for a very long time, it can contribute to chronic health and mental health problems.
But there’s always hope and actions you can take to feel better. You can learn healthy ways to live with discomfort and unease. Find what’s right for you— take time to explore a variety of different things suggested in the resources below. Become the best you can be, even during difficult times.

General resources for coping, self-care and mental health
The Upper Room in Derry offers direct programming for young adults to help young adults learn coping strategies, build resilience, and move forward on their journey.
Young adults can find resources in their region by checking out what their local young adult strategies coordinator is up to!
The websites Half of Us, and Seize the Awkward offer friendly tips and resources to help you feel better or help a friend with things like:
- How to talk to a friend if you are concerned
- How to take a healthy break
- How to take care of your mental health or help a friend who’s struggling
- How to be grateful and appreciative
Your Life Your Voice – call, text or email for professional help dealing with any life situation like feelings, school, family, or mental health. Tips and tools for developing positive coping strategies.
The Happiness Lab – Podcast series hosted by Dr. Laurie Santos, Yale professor, challenges all your assumptions about what makes a happy life. Special bonus episodes on surviving and coping with COVID.
Free Mindfulness – free guided meditation exercises.
Do Yoga with Me – free guided meditation, visualizations and relaxations.
Meditation Information – general information about the benefits of meditation.
BIPOC Meditation Resources – Resources, programs and podcast series for individuals who identify as Black, Indigenous, and People of Color.
SHINE – Inclusive wellness, self-care and mental health resources for BIPOC individuals.
Therapy for Black Girls – Podcast series by Dr. Joy Harden Bradford addressing mental health, personal development and wellness.
To learn more about stress and anxiety in general, read these articles for young adults: Understanding Stress and Anxiety and Balancing Stress
Resources for addressing mental health issues
NAMI NH – The NH office of the National Alliance on Mental Illness provides support, education and advocacy for people affected by mental illness and suicide. They host support groups too.
NH 9-8-8 – If you or someone you care about is experiencing a mental health and/or substance use crisis, you can call and speak to trained and caring clinical staff. You’ll be served by compassionate providers from mental health centers in your community who can help you access vital resources in an emergency.
Mental Health First Aid – Learn how to help a youth, teen or adult cope with a developing mental health problem or experiencing a mental health crisis. The 8-hour training helps you identify, understand, and respond to signs of mental illnesses and substance use disorders.
Mental Health College Guide – A guide for students preparing for college that was designed by, and for, students with the help of the National Alliance on Mental Illness (NAMI) and The Jed Foundation (JED). The guide has info and resources for: taking care of your mental health; relationships & self-care; mental health, identity & race; and staying safe.
Community Mental Health Centers – There is a community mental health center in every county that offers affordable, confidential counseling services. Many of them have a mobile crisis response team that is available to meet with people while they are having a mental health emergency rather than going to the emergency room.
You do not leave your mental health at the door when you go to work—sometimes life gets in the way. Finding ways to regulate your emotions at work and manage your stress is good for you and your employer.
Resources for addressing substance misuse concerns
Your doctor can also treat or link you to behavioral health services for mental health or substance use issues. Today, many practices are taking a more integrated approach with mental health care by providing counseling and medications (if needed) for depression, anxiety, ADHD, bipolar disorder and substance use disorder during an office visit. If you need to find a doctor first, there are several community health centers (CHC) in NH that offer primary care, mental health care and some even have oral health clinics. If you need health insurance, they will help you apply.
Speaking of health insurance, finding affordable health insurance is a big decision for young adults. Fortunately, if your parents have coverage, you can stay on their plan until you are 26 years old. Depending on your income and your employment status, you can apply for low-cost insurance at or one of the NH Medicaid plans at NH Easy. Both offer chat features if you run into any problems.
DHHS Recovery Support Services – The Recovery Support page provides information on recovery support services for individuals and families across the state.
NH A.A. – Alcoholics Anonymous is a fellowship of people who share their experience, strength and hope with each other so that they may solve their common problem and help others to recover from alcoholism.
Rethinking Drinking – Do you enjoy a drink now and again, but you are not sure if your drinking is a problem? Have you wondered how much alcohol is too much? This is a great website to explore your drinking habits and how they fit into your life and affect your work, relationships and motivation.
Sober Curious NH – Provides NH residents the information and resources to foster a positive, curious mindset towards alcohol consumption.
Today Is For Me – A health campaign designed specifically for women seeking information on staying healthy before, during and after pregnancy. By sharing science-based information about alcohol and marijuana use, this campaign provides information on how these substances affect your body, mind and health and the potential impact on your baby.
The Doorway – The Doorway NH is a statewide service that supports any NH resident, of any age, with a substance or alcohol concern or issue. To access the service anywhere in NH, 24 hours a day, 365 days a year, call 2-1-1 or call 1-866-444-4211. They will connect you to the local Doorway program in your area.
SAMHSA Treatment Locator – The confidential and anonymous resource for persons seeking treatment for mental and substance use disorders in the United States and its territories.
QuitNow-NH – Quitting smoking is one of the best things you can do for your current and future health. NH residents get free, confidential and convenient telephone coaching services to quit any form of tobacco. Highly trained Certified Tobacco Treatment Specialists help callers set small achievable goals. You may be eligible for free nicotine replacement medications.
AskPETRA – If you live in the North Country, AskPETRA is available to help you find all the resources you need. In addition to general factsheets and information on their website, you can connect directly with a community health worker/recovery coach. All services are free and confidential.
Welcome Families NH – Welcome Families NH is a one-stop resource that helps you and your young children find what you need, when you need it.
Parent Information Center – Support and answers for all your questions about services for children with disabilities and special healthcare needs.
NH Community Health Association – Find a counselor for your family or child at one of many locations around NH.
Child Care Aware – Find quality, licensed child care provider and other resources.
Family Resource Centers – Family Resources Centers help strengthen and support families to take on the challenges of raising their children. They provide family support, financial services and community connection.
Home Visiting Services – Whether you are pregnant or already have a new baby at home, Home Visiting services help you with the support you want, when you want it. Many different types of services are available to guide and assist parents-to-be and parents of young children in the early stages of raising a family.
New Hampshire Family Voices – Provides free, confidential services to families and professionals caring for children with chronic conditions and/or disabilities.
Waypoint – A counseling service that offers a variety of services to support and strengthen young families including the free Family Support Warm Line (800-640-6480) where you can talk to a family support professional about things like coping strategies, child behaviors, family dynamics, household management and emotional distress.
Welcoming NH – Resources to help immigrants and those who support them find legal, financial, and families services to successfully integrate into NH communities.
Workplace Resiliency Training – Work is a major source of stress whether you are a first responder, restaurant worker or teacher. This training is a free work-place based training that helps identify stressors, learn healthier coping skills, and reduce stress and high risk behaviors.
Thriving Through Stress – is a virtual version of a section of Resiliency and Thriving presentation developed to address the challenges of meeting during Covid-19.
Recovery Friendly Workplace – This is an initiative of Governor Sununnu that promotes individual wellness for Granite Staters by empowering workplaces to provide support for people recovering from substance use disorder. You can support this effort by suggesting that your workplace become a recovery friendly site.
Employee Assistance Programs – Many worksites offer employee assistance programs to help their employees handle issues that impact their health and well-being like work-life balance, loss and grief, divorce, and debt. Ask your human resource department to see if your worksite offers an employee assistance program.
Watch and listen to these Ted Talks and Interviews:
“Belonging” with Brené Brown
“Technology: Connected but Alone?” by Sherry Turkle
“The Power of Vulnerability” by Brené Brown
“Depression: The Secret We Share” by Andrew Solomon
“How to Make Stress Your Friend” by Kelly McGonigal
On Being – Podcast series with Krista Tippett and guests exploring big questions of meaning — spiritual inquiry, science, social healing, and the arts.
For many, politics and social policy are meaningful and exciting. The small size of the state, with the high number of local representatives, not to mention the First in the Nation Primary status, make having your voice heard and making a difference very accessible. Check out these and other local political groups to get involved.
New Hampshire Secretary of State’s office hosts information about voting in NH and running for office.
NH Democratic Party and NH Republic Party – host events and invite volunteers to get involved.
NH Young Democrats and NH Young Republicans – offer specific training, information, and opportunities for young people.
New Hampshire Institute of Politics – hosts speakers and events, with many candidates visiting during the primary.
New Hampshire Public Radio’s Civics 10 – a podcast series with friendly civic lessons about NH politics.
Social Policy
Search for the advocacy efforts of an organization or issue that you’re interested in. Organizations are always looking for people to get involved in moving the needle on the issues important to them.
New Futures offers a variety of Advocacy Trainings – learn how to elevate your voice and have it heard.
Stay, Work, Play NH has an Advocacy Network – a network of volunteers who share a passion for improving the lives of young people in New Hampshire through policy, civic engagement, and community building. Join today!
Elevating your voice—sharing your story and being heard—brings strength and power. You have a lot to say. We want to hear from you.
State, local, non profit and community organizations have opportunities and resources to offer to support you in achieving your goals. From taking care of your physical and mental health to buying your first home, you have support. Explore these three areas for resources to help support the unique challenges facing young adults.
Resources for healthy living, lifelong learning and emotional wellbeing
Housing and budgeting resources to help you plan and achieve your short and long-term financial goals.
Wellness and substance misuse prevention resources for your body, mind and soul. Connect with your community and elevate your voice.