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The Power of Prevention Podcast

This is a podcast for people who are looking for solutions and want to make New Hampshire a better place where we all have the opportunity to live, learn and thrive. In each episode we will go deeper into the topic of substance misuse prevention in New Hampshire.

About The Podcast

The Power of Prevention Podcast
We are hoping to make your lives a little better with these inspirational stories about substance misuse prevention. We share our best interviews with people who are working tirelessly in their professions, their families and their communities to stop something unwanted from happening—in this case the misuse of alcohol, tobacco, and other substances.

Our host, Christin D’Ovidio, is a seasoned public health communicator at JSI Research & Training Institute, Inc. where she researches, develops and designs health behavior campaigns to impact individuals and communities. When she’s not “digging in” to motivate change for public or climate health, she’s busy digging in the dirt in her garden and motivating and raising her two children in Bow, NH. 

Christin D'Ovidio

Christin D'Ovidio


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Recent Episodes

Culturally Appropriate and Equitable Prevention

Have you wanted to become more culturally effective in your prevention or health education work? Our guest, Bobbie Bagley, focuses on ways to make your outreach, education and communication more fair and just by addressing the social conditions that can harm people’s health.

Season 2, Episode 4 |  19 min

Making Sense of the Science: How Cannabis Use Impacts the Adolescent Brain with Dr. Kristen Gilliland

Emerging brain science is challenging the belief that cannabis use is harmless, especially during times of active brain development. Amid growing concerns about the widespread legalization of cannabis, our guest Dr. Kristen Gilliland shares the science and her unique lived experience to help us gain knowledge, compassion, insight and hope. You won’t want to miss this interview if you are concerned about a young person using cannabis.

How Community Collaboration Can Improve Health for All

When communities come together to plan, implement and monitor the public’s health, it makes a difference. Learn how the City of Nashua Division of Public Health and Community Services is leading the way with strong leadership and priceless collaborations.

Exploring the Connection Between Prevention & Recovery

When we invest in recovery services, we invest in prevention. The building blocks of recovery are similar to the protective factors of prevention. In this interview with Keith Howard, we will explore this connection.

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