Season 2, Episode 1

Cannabis Commercialization: What You Need to Know with Kate Frey

Mar 27, 2024

Are you interested in the direction the State of New Hampshire is going with the expansion of legal cannabis? Learn what’s new and changing regarding cannabis and what it might mean for prevention and treatment approaches.

Are you confused by the various options regarding cannabis in New Hampshire? Do you know the difference between recreational, therapeutic, medicinal, decriminalized, and commercialized cannabis? We sit down with Kate Frey, from New Futures to explain the range of options on the table to expand legal access to cannabis. Ms. Frey walks us through the lessons learned from other states and helps us understand some common-sense recommendations to protect the public’s health and limit the negative consequences especially for youth.

Explore more on the topics and themes discussed in this episode:

New Hampshire cannabis commission wraps up months of work with no recommendations – WMUR article

NH marijuana commission fails to find consensus for a legalization policy – NHPR story

NH Therapeutic Cannabis Program

Check out The Partnership’s cannabis prevention resources including our Spotlight Factsheets on tips for talking with your kids about cannabis use.

Host & Guests

Featured Guest:

Kate Frey

Host: Christin D’Ovidio


Episode Transcript (PDF)

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Kate Frey serves as Vice President of Advocacy with the primary responsibility of directing and managing New Futures’ alcohol and other drug policy initiatives. In this role, Ms. Frey analyzes state budget policies related to the revenues raised from the sale of alcohol in the state in order to ensure adequate and appropriate funding for substance misuse programs and services and works with policymakers and stakeholders to influence spending priorities for prevention, treatment and recovery. Kate also tracks, analyzes, and synthesizes policy, legislative proposals, best practices, and research related to alcohol and other drug policy issues.

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