Suzanne Weete, BA, Dover Mental Health Alliance, Mariah Coulstring, BA, CPS, Haverhill Area
Substance Misuse Prevention Coalition, and Julie Yerkes, MEd, CPS, JSI Research & Training
Institute, Inc.
You may have “2020” vision, but as good as your eyesight may be, none of us saw the pandemic coming. Much of our prevention work is done in collaboration with community members, partners, and systems in NH. Coalitions are at the heart of grassroots community action. This session will highlight how several NH coalitions pivoted their work to meet the changing circumstances and needs in their communities. Hear from your peers and local experts about the challenges and successes that have come from their experiences, and how they envision the future of coalition work.
Note: The events contained in this calendar are subject to change without notice by their respective organizers. Refer to each event's website for updates.