Responding To Addiction Training

Responding To Addiction Training

Join Makin’ It Happen for their first ever Responding to Addiction training! This program is a multidisciplinary, 3-hour training that teaches participants about the science of addiction and equips them with the knowledge and tools to understand and address...
55th New England School of Addiction and Prevention Studies

55th New England School of Addiction and Prevention Studies

The New England School of Addiction and Prevention Studies, commonly called Summer School, is an intensive 4-day learning experience to further knowledge, skills, and experience in the field of substance use disorder services. For over 55 years, participants from many...
Spice up your Recovery: Recovering Together Cafe

Spice up your Recovery: Recovering Together Cafe

For anyone on a Recovery Journey, and for the loved ones, families, allies, and communities dedicated to providing support, chances of healing through the recovery process significantly increases with the help of social supports. We recover together through...