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Take Down Tobacco National Day of Action

April 1, 2024

Take Down Tobacco National Day of Action Logo
On this Day of Action, youth advocates across the country will come together to call Big Tobacco’s bluff and expose them for who they really are: jokers who gamble with people’s lives.

The stakes couldn’t be higher. Big Tobacco is running new PR campaigns claiming they’re the good guys! They say they’ve reformed, that they’re “beyond smoking,” and that they want a “smoke-free world.” But it’s the same lie they’ve been telling for decades. They aggressively market deadly cigarettes while raking in billions of dollars in profits. They fight policies that would actually reduce tobacco use. They constantly develop new products to hook kids. In a nutshell, they continue to lie, cheat, and fool people into a lifetime of addiction, disease, and death.

But we’re not fooled. Let’s go all in and take down these jokers once and for all.


On April 1st, you can join thousands of youth advocates across the country to stand up and speak out against the tobacco industry. Whether you want to plan an event, make your voice heard on social media, or take action to support proposed policy solutions in your community, there’s lots of ways you can participate. However you decide to get involved, we encourage people of all ages to stand with kids over Big Tobacco to continue pushing toward a healthier, more equitable future.

HOST AN EVENT: Plan an activity to raise awareness of the problem of tobacco use in your community, encourage youth to reject the tobacco industry’s deceptive marketing, and urge elected officials to take action to protect kids from tobacco. Check out activity ideas and must-have resources to help you create your unique Take Down Tobacco activity. GET STARTED 

SHARE ON SOCIAL: Help call Big Tobacco’s bluff by sharing facts on social that expose the industry’s rhetoric against reality. We’ll be keeping an eye out for content to share, so make sure to use #TakeDownTobacco on Instagram, Facebook, Twitter, and TikTok. SHARE NOW 

WRITE YOUR LEGISLATOR: Check out the Advocacy Action Map for ways to make your voice heard in important advocacy moments across the country. The interactive map showcases local and national actions you can take, such as signing petitions or sending an email to elected officials calling for change. Young people are critical voices in advocating for strong, proven policies to reduce and prevent tobacco use. TAKE ACTION

Learn more and register your event here!


Note: The events contained in this calendar are subject to change without notice by their respective organizers. Refer to each event's website for updates.