This facilitator training will instruct attendees how to implement an adolescent program focused on improved communication strategies, how to manage highly emotional situations, reduce the effects of anger by guiding youth through the program’s 10-hour course to develop skills, and offer solutions and ideas to manage youth emotions. Join Facilitators Elaina Wheaton and Michelle Brauch – two of the creators of the Take Control course – an evidence-based program in the state of NH, in meeting the social and emotional needs of youth in managing anger. Trainees will review the entire Take Control Curriculum, understand the science behind the objectives, and learn how to use the curriculum to assist youth in their community. Participants must attend a full day training and commit to technical assistance while the program is being implemented, to assure fidelity. At the completion of the training all participants will have a solid foundation to begin using Take Control, and will receive the Take Control Manual and schedule for Technical Assistance to run their own groups for up to one year. The cost for additional manuals is $199.99.
Date: August 10, 2023 OR August 15, 2023
Note: The events contained in this calendar are subject to change without notice by their respective organizers. Refer to each event's website for updates.