Media Power Youth has just updated its foundational media literacy curriculum for upper elementary students, Media Literacy for Safe and Healthy Choices. This evidence-based educational resource contains lessons on how media/technology shape our habits and attitudes around health and wellness while engaging students in a hands-on health fair project. This curriculum offers schools the opportunity to engage students in advocating for their own well-being as a creative and positive way to start the new 21-22 school year.
The curriculum continues to address nutrition and substance use with new content on vaping and stress management. It includes traditional media examples such as TV advertising and packaging as well as social media, gaming, and news stories. It is recommended for teachers who are currently teaching the curriculum as well as teachers who are interested in exploring these topics in their classrooms.
This three-hour virtual training will take place on Zoom and will include a 20-minute screen break as well as breakouts where you will be able to meet with like-minded educators in smaller groups. Participants will also receive a digital copy of the curriculum, teacher’s guide, and media assets, This professional development opportunity is free for elementary educators due to Media Power Youth’s partnership with the NH Center for Excellence and the NH Department of Justice.
Note: The events contained in this calendar are subject to change without notice by their respective organizers. Refer to each event's website for updates.