The National Legal Landscape of Flavored Tobacco Products

The National Legal Landscape of Flavored Tobacco Products

With flavors like berry lemonade, pineapple ice, and many variations of mint, “cool”, and “frost” products, flavored commercial tobacco products have become a primary tactic to get youth to start using tobacco products and keep them hooked. In commercial tobacco...
Vaping and Your Health Workshop

Vaping and Your Health Workshop

Free workshop designed to educate and assist high school students who are looking to learn about and quit vaping. Learn more. To register call 603-437-8477 x114.
Virtual Community Conversation on the Youth Vaping Epidemic

Virtual Community Conversation on the Youth Vaping Epidemic

Hear from medical professionals, parents, tobacco control experts, and school system champions on how vaping has affected youth, both mentally and physically. Learn about innovative programs and resources available to combat the youth vaping epidemic. Be a part of how...
How JUUL Reinvented the Electronic Cigarette

How JUUL Reinvented the Electronic Cigarette

Overview: Electronic cigarettes entered the United States tobacco market in the early part of the 21st century. The early e-cigarettes were modeled after the chemistry of conventional cigarettes and were not efficient nicotine delivery devices. The e-liquid used “free...