Dating violence is more common than people think, especially among teens and young adults. Knowing the difference between healthy and unhealthy relationships, especially as relationships take shape online, can be challenging. The New Hampshire Coalition Against Domestic and Sexual Violence (NHCADSV), and their member organizations, help young people sort out what it takes to form strong and healthy relationships. Learn what’s being done around the state to help young people, including those in same sex relationships, navigate dating situations. We can all make a difference by supporting this work in the schools.
In this episode, we are joined by two experts on healthy relationships and teen dating violence prevention who work on statewide domestic and sexual violence prevention initiatives: Joi Smith, Program Director and Emily Provencher, Prevention Coordinator with the New Hampshire Coalition Against Domestic and Sexual Violence. They help us understand how we can support young people to build healthy relationship through healthy boundaries, communication and respect.
Explore more on the topics and themes discussed in this episode:
24/7 Confidential Statewide (NH) Hotline 1-866-644-3574
NH Coalition Against Domestic and Sexual Violence (NHADSV) Works with the local crisis centers throughout the state to provide advocacy, prevention and empowerment of anyone affected by sexual violence, domestic violence, stalking and human trafficking.
NHCADSV’s page on Teen Dating Violence
NHCADSV’s page on how to support a friend who discloses sexual violence
Love Is Respect – Trained advocates are available 24/7 to offer support, education, and advocacy to teens and young adults (as well as friends and family) with questions or concerns about dating and relationships. They also offer information about relationship abuse for educators, counselors, and service providers focused on teens and young adults.