Season 1, Episode 10

Repairing the Harm: Court Diversion is a Win/Win Approach for Everyone

Oct 19, 2022

All youth make mistakes as they grow and mature. Juvenile court diversion is an approach to help both youth and those harmed by their offenses heal and repair from their actions without court involvement.

Juvenile court diversion is an approach to help both youth and those harmed by their offenses heal and repair from their actions. Research shows that most young people age out of delinquent behavior with no intervention, by simply growing up; and diversion programs are a more productive way to prevent future arrests. Being involved in the court system does more long-term harm than good. In this episode we are joined by Diane Casale, Program Coordinator at the New Hampshire Juvenile Court Diversion Network, and Nicole Rodler, Juvenile Division Coordinator with the Rochester Police Department, who discuss how court diversion is a win/win approach for everyone.

Explore more on the topics and themes discussed in this episode:

NH Court Diversion Program – A membership organization seeking to expand accredited programs and support current programs with evidence-based resources across the state.

NH Probation Transformation – A web page with resources highlighting the efforts to transform NH’s probation.

Facebook: NH Juvenile Court Diversion Network

Facebook: Rochester Police Department

Host & Guests

Featured Guest:

Diane Casale, Nicole Rodler

Host: Christin D’Ovidio


Episode Transcript (PDF)

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As a Certified Prevention Specialist with 28 years of experience in the field of prevention, Diane Casale is a strong advocate for NH teens. Between 1994 -2020, she researched, developed, implemented and ran the Greater Derry Juvenile Diversion program at the Upper Room. Then in 2021, she joined the New Hampshire Juvenile Court Diversion Network (NHJCD) as the program coordinator. In this position she is able to ensure the diversion programs around the state adhere to rigorous accreditation and educational qualification when working with youth. Being a mother of two, grandmother to six and a great grandmother of two, Diane has seen many aspects of teenage life and recognizes their resilience when fully supported by their families and communities.

With over 25 years of experience working with youth, Nicole Rodler has overseen the juvenile court diversion program and prevention activities for the Rochester Police Department since 2009. Nicole is a certified instructor for NAMI’s Youth Mental Health First Aid and the Connect Recovery Support Group, a trainer for the Law Enforcement Against Drugs; as well as a Certified Recovery Support Worker. Additionally, Nicole served as the NH Juvenile Court Diversion Network’s Board Chair from 2010-2022, representing the 18+ diversion programs around the state as the entry point into the NH Juvenile Justice System. Currently, she sits on the Board as the Prior-Board Chair Consultant. She also sits on the Governor’s Commission on Alcohol and Other Drugs – Opioid Task Force, the Governor’s Juvenile Justice Reform Commission, part of the NH Juvenile Probation Transformation team and several local committees addressing substance misuse, homelessness and mental health. Nicole also trains around the state on current drug trends at the NH Police Academy for Prosecutors.

Nicole earned her BA from SUNY Albany in Psychology and Criminal Justice with a concentration in juvenile studies and is pursuing her MA in Justice Studies.

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