Season 2, Episode 4

Culturally Appropriate and Equitable Prevention

Jan 24, 2025

Have you wanted to become more culturally effective in your prevention or health education work? Our guest, Bobbie Bagley, focuses on ways to make your outreach, education and communication more fair and just by addressing the social conditions that can harm people’s health.

Today’s episode focuses on ways to make your outreach, education, and communication more fair and just by addressing the social conditions that can impact people’s health. As the Director of the City of Nashua Division of Public Health and Community Services, Bobbie Bagley emphasizes community collaboration, shared leadership, and prioritizing needs through deep listening. She details how these approaches improve health outcomes and strengthen neighborhoods. Then, Bobbie introduces the concept of “Intentional Social Interactions” (IZIs), a method created by Marnita Schroedl. These gatherings aim to address social divides by facilitating open and meaningful conversations in relaxed settings. Marnita’s Table, an organization promoting IZIs, began with hosting meals to foster dialogue on contentious issues like systemic racism and the Black Lives Matter movement.

Next, Bobbie discusses how the environment shapes health. Access to clean air, transportation, nutritious food, and safe spaces contributes to physical and mental well-being. Conversely, unsafe environments with violence, poor housing conditions, and limited resources negatively affect health and increase social isolation. These insights emphasize the role of social and physical contexts in shaping health outcomes. Insights from community forums have informed policy development and workforce strategies. Bobbie highlights the role of community health workers as trusted intermediaries between underserved populations and healthcare providers. These workers bridge gaps in access and trust, particularly relevant during the COVID-19 pandemic.

In her concluding advice, Bobbie underscores the importance of community resilience and inclusion. Advocates must intentionally create spaces where diverse voices feel valued and heard. Removing hierarchical barriers, such as titles and badges, allows participants to engage as equals, fostering authenticity and trust. Bobbi emphasizes prioritizing the needs of all community members, particularly those marginalized by systemic inequities. By uniting humanity and humility, communities can collaboratively tackle pressing health challenges and safeguard collective well-being.

Host & Guests

Featured Guest:

Bobbie Bagley

Host: Christin D’Ovidio


Episode Transcript (PDF)

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Bobbie Bagley has served the residents of NH in a variety of public health positions for nearly three decades applying expertise in the areas of improving public and community health practice, advocating for health equity and policy setting, reducing socio-cultural barriers to health, and  enhancing population-based health promotion and disease prevention. She is currently the Chief Public Health Official for the City of Nashua where she’s responsible for the strategic leadership of the Department of Public Health and Community Service PHCS to accomplish the goal of protecting, promoting and preserving the health. Over the years, she’s provided numerous non-profits leadership and guidance, designed courses and written curriculum for several programs and has taught scores of emerging public health leaders. 

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