In July 2022, the National Suicide Prevention Lifeline will transition its 1-800 number to 988, a new, nationwide three-digit number for suicide response and mental health crisis care.
This shift represents a dramatic moment in terms of access to crisis care and enhanced integration of services across the crisis continuum. Want to stay informed of next steps?
Join us to hear from the following guest speakers:
• Chuck Ingoglia, President and CEO, National Council for Mental Wellbeing
• James Wright, Chief of Crisis Center Operations, 988 Office, SAMHSA
• Matt Taylor, Director of Network Development, National Suicide Prevention Lifeline
• Brian Hepburn, PhD, Executive Director, National Association of State Mental Health Program Directors
Together, we will discuss the opportunities and challenges 988 poses for crisis care, as well as the growing body of 988 state-level legislation and the policy implications those bring.
We will also detail new initiatives within SAMHSA to support states in the rollout of 988 and outcomes from 50 988 State Planning Grants that were initiated by Vibrant Emotional Health.
Questions? Reach out to Jessica Robbins at
Note: The events contained in this calendar are subject to change without notice by their respective organizers. Refer to each event's website for updates.